How to define your interior style
Image of a recent bathroom project by Laura Deane Design
Ever find yourself seeing things in a shop that you just love but worried it won’t work in your house? Don’t worry. It’s pretty common. And the solution to figure out what your style is and define your vibe. So that begs the question, what does style mean to you?
For me, style is a creative story in a visual form. It's a visual representation of what I like, what's meaningful to me and how I feel. This definition is true for both fashion and interiors, and other creative forms too.
Simply put, style is the expression of what you like.
The other thing to remember though is that style is timeless. Someone who is stylish may or may not follow fashion trends, but they always stay true to their own aesthetic. Personal style in any area, is about developing a sense of self rather than simply absorbing trends.
Jenna Lyons Home via Architectural Digest
Trends in fashion can be seen echoing through to furniture and homewares design all the time. The two are pretty much linked in every way. So when it comes to defining your interior style, where do you start?
Look at your wardrobe as a source of inspiration for your home.
Fashion and interiors overlap in so many ways. What you wear tells a story about what you love, what you feel good in and the message you want to communicate about yourself, visually.
And given that the past few years have been about being at home and working from home, being cozy and comfortable has never been more important. Loungewear anyone?
For me, I love jewellery. But the jewellery I own all have history, and a story behind each piece. Things that have been given to me, passed down or bought for a reason. And that echoes through to my interiors. I surround myself with pieces that have meaning. They might be family heirlooms that have been passed down, they might have an interesting maker, or creator story behind it. But where and how it came from means something to how I curate my home.
You on the other hand might have a wardrobe filled with linen. So the colours and textures that you use in your home should reflect that to create an atmosphere that makes you feel relaxed, comfortable and at ease.
Now I challenge you to go have a look in your wardrobe and see what colours, textures and fabrics could work in your interior.
What are you drawn to the most?
What is the predominant colour of your wardrobe?
What textures and fabric do you like to wear?
What style of clothes do you buy?
Now imagine what fabric could you see as a cushion on your sofa or what colour do you think would work well as a doona cover on your bed? Your wardrobe can help define your interior style and set you in the right direction.
Home by Studio CD via the Design Files
Need some more help?
Looking at your wardrobe is a great place to start, but if you still want some help when it comes to decorating your home and finding a cohesive style, then get in touch and we can chat. I offer a range of packages to suit different budgets and rooms and would love to find out more about your project.